Taxonomy: f. Dilepididae
Animal: Dipylidium caninum 20 16.jpg
Dipylidium caninum encapsulated oncosphere from the haemocoele of a pupa reared at 25C/ 3mmHg 6 days pi (from Pugh 1985 PhD thesis - see Bibliography for details) - the flea host mounts a host response to the parasite infection. Temperature was found to have a marked effect on the development of both the host and the parasite. Host reaction was more marked and prolonged at 20 - 25 degrees than at higher temperatures. (see Pugh, 1987 Parasitol Res 73;171-177 and Pugh & Moorhouse 1985 Z.Parasitenkd 71;765-775). (h - oncospheral hook, en - encapsulated parasite).

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